Shreveport Common FUNdraiser
Shreveport Common, Inc. the 501C3 nonprofit redevelopment arm of Shreveport Common, is having a FUN & GAMES Cornhole Tournament and FUNdraiser on Nov. 27 at Red River Brewery. The event will raise funds to purchase/commission large scale and tabletop games and a mobile kiosk for Caddo Common park.

Additionally, Shreveport Common is promoting the importance of artists in our community. To do this, they are adding a commission opportunity to 3 selected (by jury) artists to each paint a Cornhole set. The 3 Cornhole sets will be featured at a silent Auction on Nov. 27 (5 - 10pm).

Selected Artists will receive a birch wood, professionally built Cornhole set which includes two boards. The face of the boards is 24” X 48.” Cornhole boards are set on an incline with the top footing at 12” and the bottom footing at 3.” A 6" hole is located 9" from the top. Artists will paint the the top board or face including the ½” sides of that face. Once dry, the boards will be picked up by the builder/vendor who will handle the top coat application process.

Please note that Cornhole sets are made up of two boards, such as a pair of shoes. Both boards in a set should be the same, or connect in some way.

Interested Artists’ NWLA Directory page will be reviewed by a Jury. The 3 selected Artists will be notified, submit a design for approval, pick up their primed boards and deliver their painted (dry) boards.

Eligibility - Who can apply?
Artists with a current NWLA Artist Page on

Benefits for the artist.
Three $200 commissions are available for three selected Artists. (1 artist per set). The painted Cornhole boards will be promoted on social media and displayed at the Fun & Games Corn Hole tournament for auction on Nov. 27, 2021. Artist Statements and NWLA Directory links will be included. Bid winners will receive a hard copy of the information with their boards.

Important Dates:  
October 25:  Application Open
October 29:  Application Deadline for Review
November 3:  Jury Selection Announcement
Nov. 3 - Nov. 5:  Pick Up Cornhole Board Set (2 boards per set)  from Central ARTSTATION
Submit Preliminary Schematic Design to Committee for Approval before beginning work: Due no later than Nov. 10
Nov. 20 10:00 AM:  Final Deadline for Painted Cornhole board sets to be delivered to Central ARTSTATION (Paint must be fully DRY as they will be picked up for sealing/top coat process on Nov. 20.)

Example Cornhole designs
Artist Name *
Address including City, State, Zip Code. *
Phone Number *
Eligibility: Check All That Apply   *
All professional VISUAL, LITERARY, and PERFORMANCE Artists who live in one of the ten parishes that comprise Northwest Louisiana and are registered on the Culturalyst Artist Directory are invited to submit work for the CRITICAL MASS 10 Exhibition.  The parishes include:  Caddo, Bossier, Webster, Lincoln, Claiborne, Desoto, Red River, Natchitoches, Bienville and Sabine.  To be eligible, Artists must be registered on the Culturalyst Artist Directory at
Please provide link to your culturalyst profile ( *
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